Being linked to

Going through my technorati search, I found my post Anthropology at Intel linked to on this usability site.

And they also had this really cool pic…

Anthropologist inspecting locals and vice versa

(Anthropologist inspecting locals and viceversa – Link via usernomics)

This is what I meant when I responded to a comment on this post yesterday saying that while many companies do this, what makes only some studies significant is their use of local anthropologists and reseaechers in place of Western experts. The overall context of my thesis at the LSE was cross-cultural research and the need for adapting research techniques to suit the immediate socio- cultural framework of the target audience. And I found that the area I had looked at – rural research in India strongly vindicated this need. And my professor – from London – mentioned how he always took a local guide along when he did any research north of Glasgow. Language is just one of the issues – an outsider would take ages to get through even the initial understanding of local customs and culture. You would be surprised how a city-bred researcher Indian researcher can find herself easily out of depth in a village in India – especially if travelling with “city notions”…


Another site had linked to this post as well – this is the second time it is happening to me in a week – getting linked to by a site in a well, not just foreign but completely alien language. The first was when my post on the Big B’s bathing – or non bathing habits was linked to by a bollywood site in Netherlands. Atleast here, I did not understand a word of any of the posts but I spotted many familiar names on the site – check it out.


  1. Hehe, the first one is Finnish, I don’t understand a word either… But Dutch is (in its written form!) or rather some words are similar to German, so often you can guess and find out what it means (Bollywood stopped to function because of all the rain, quoting some examples like yours etc)

  2. Lorenz, I caught bits of the Dutch site too coz I know some basic German 🙂
    and I guessed the first one was some Scandinavian language but didn’t know which… all the consonants…

  3. I remember this site.. or maybe it was some other .nl site, with the same weird language linking to me! and I was quite surprised that though the language made no sense, they were so keen on bollywood as if they understood every word of Hindi..!!

  4. TF, my feeling was maybe this site was run by Indians living in that country or something like that…

  5. Hi folks, im with and i have to say: Bollywood is big in the Netherlands. That is because there are almost 250.000 ‘indian’ people living there and they enjoy the movies. I say ‘indians’ but the’re not. They are from Suriname, a small country (but 5 times bigger than the Netherlands), that was formerly dutch. After the abolition (ending of slavery), the dutch went to India and got themselfs some Indian people to work on the fields. Now 132 years later, al lot of them live in the Netherlands and speak 4 languages; dutch, surinamese, sarnami (sort of hindi) and english. And i’m one of them… ciao!

  6. Hi person from Bollywood. nl. I have been wondering about the site. Thanks for dropping by and the info…

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