Me too me two!

Its raining anniversaries in blogland. Funny how many great blogs were born in the month of August (and with that, I have subtly and sucessfully wedged my way into the great blogs list)…

Two years today…

So, don’t go away. Stay tuned – I will be back right after the break…

The next scian melt will be hosted here after September 12. Please send your nominations to me as comments here – or email them to Selva at the scianblog.

Abi, am rushed too. let’s keep the leapfrogging discussion open – and resume once I get back.

My age-cohorts research too needs to be written up…


  1. Happy blog birthday!

    Hmmm, never knew August would be so special! Anand, Dilip, Charu, … Wonder who’s next? There are only four more days left …

  2. Wow! Happy birthday! Being just two months into this whole blogging thing, can’t imagine how two years must feel. Congratulations are in order.

  3. Charu — Congrats! Two years before I think I didn’t know what a blog was! Wish you many more successful blog years ahead.

  4. Kaps, Abi, Sujatha, Anand, thanks! I am off tomorrow morning – see you all in two weeks time 🙂

  5. Hi Charu
    Congratulations are in order for keeping up quality blogging for two years. I quite agree that yours is a great blog; one of my favorites. Have a nice trip.

  6. Hey, you saw my blog and started yours two days later! … oops, you said two years ago? OK OK, I must have seen yours and started mine a year later.

  7. hey thanks all for the wishes!
    Michael, warm kind words, as always 🙂
    Dilip, actually I knew two years ago you were going to start a blog a year (less a day?) from then – so then…
    TF, will email you…

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