Hobson’s choice for newspaper readers

Following Harini’s report on the paper wars, here’s the latest from the turf…. agencyfaqs says : battleground Mumbai – HT, DNA setting up printing units in new Bombay.

And exchange4media breaks news with Ex-president of Deccan Chronicle, M Venkataraman, joins Bhaskar Group for DNA project

HT has now been threatening to enter the Mumbai market for ages now, while DNA has entered quietly and is way ahead on the poaching game…. this should be fun to watch…

But as I commented on Harini’s post, I wonder if there is any space in the market for more newspapers – why are newspapers going the tv news channel way? And in all this, it is the media buying agencies and advertisers who are laughing all the way to their bottomlines – the gain is not the reader’s… given current editorial perceptions about what constitutes ‘news’…