Bharateeya Blog Mela

There are books and there are books, and then there is The God of Small Things. More discussed than read.

There are blog melas and there are blog melas….. and most of them remind me of Roy’s magnum opus.

This is with reference to Patrix’s post on the BBM. Over 60 comments and close to no nominations a day before zero-hour… Patrix, this post is in no way any reference to your effort. After all, I imagine saw you online at 1.30 a.m 🙂

Patrix says he did not hear from half the people he expected…. Before I start, I plead guilty of not taking this seriously enough to browse thru many many blogs and nominate the best….. I join the list of the GUILTY….. Wanna read the mela but not contribute to it….. BAD !

But when has that ever stopped me from ranting :))

I am new to the Blogging scene and am fascinated by the concept of a Bharateeya Blog Mela. This is my understanding of the objectives of the BBM (if there were any serious objectives as such. Shanti ? )

1. To showcase the best of Indian blogging : I have come to suspect that there are the opinion leaders in Indian blogs, as in any other sphere and by default, these blogs and posts are considered ‘must feature’ in any blog mela.

Therefore the need to nominate one’s own post(s)? Read the comments following Patrix’s mela for more on this….

2. To introduce new bloggers from the Indian blogosphere. Personally, I consider this the more important objective…..

I see the same names in every blog mela. And these are names which I see on most people’s regular reads also. I am talking about both the nominees and the nominators…..

Are these the only Indian bloggers worth featuring in the mela? We know better than to even attempt answering that question.

I don’t know whether the BBM is turning elitist or not (I have not been following it for long enough)…. It certainly is the celebration of the best-known bloggers of the Indian blogosphere and not necessarilty the best.

Is ‘I met her last night’ any more interesting to the world at large than ‘I ate a Big Mac today’.

3. What is the role of the host ? Does he/she have a more active role, as a forager, as an editor, as the creator that week’s mela? Check this out for more…..

Having given vent to my thoughts on the BBM following Patrix’s mela, I end with a solemn promise to make this effort myself for the next mela…. Deepak, watch out…. (by the way, is there an announcement on his page…. can’t see any ?? here I am with hazaar posts to be nominated and no idea where to do it….. life is so unfair…..)