Blogosphere or Banana Republic ?

Before I say more on this, a PJ. About a kid who came home from school and proudly announced, I learnt to spell banana in school, I just don’t know where to stop….

Ok, sorry.

I was saying that the Indian blogosphere is fast turning into a banana republic. What with banana eaters and banana haters, it’s just too funny….

Someone obviously has a lot of time on his / her hands…. and is filling that time with as much spite as is possible….. Makes it sound like some unknown hand is forcing him (why can’t I believe it is her?) to read the stuff people are writing…..

Please, give us a break…..

Shanks talks about revealing one’s identity through one’s blog and the possiblity of being judged thereof…. Very interesting thought….. I realize that by writing on an “open medium” like the internet, a blogger is open to judgment, but anonymous posts are just the pits…..