Taj Heritage Corridor or Shame ?

The world is divided between those who have seen the Taj and those who have not. Very soon, I hope to be on the side that has seen the Taj

William Jefferson Clinton, President, United States of America, while addressing the Indian Parliament on 22.03.2000 before he joined the “halves”

I read this recently, I think on the UP tourism website.

Made me think about the misleadingly named Taj Heritage Corridor

What will Clinton have to say about the Corridor : the world is divided into those who have shopped there and those who have not ?

I remember going by bus from London to Dover to climb up the magnificent chalk cliffs. I was amazed as half the bus got off mid-way at a small town, with no obvious “touristy” scene. I found out later that the stop was Bluewater, a huge shopping complex, home to the world’s best brands, obviously a much stronger attraction any old cliff !

The Hindu as usual had a great editorial on this proposed eye-sore….. Thankfully, we have seen the last of it and the worst to have happened (I hope) was money siphoned into the pockets of politicians….. so what’s new ?