Travel Time

I keep reading about people (especially about authors) – she lives in Bombay and London. Or he spends his time between Paris and California. Or some such exotic thingy. You get the drift.

I wonder how they do it….. Here I have been shuttling between Madras and Bangalore. And I go, enough is enough.

I am off for a Himalayan holiday early December. And I have drooling, I mean poring over websites and maps and travel guides for the last two weeks.Lesson Number One. Any information you need, never under-estimate Government websites. And I mean the Indian Government. Some of them are amazing……

I find planning a holiday even more exciting than the actual holiday itself. That includes thinking about it, dreaming about it, constantly talking about it, thinking about it some more….. Ok, maybe it is not more exciting than the holiday itself, but it makes me feel as happy as I am during the holiday!

So, Uttaranchal, here I come. The Kumaon region is where I have set my sights. Anybody been there before ? Any travel tips?!!