Breaks in my blog

Blogging is soooooo addictive….. Have not been able to blog regularly for a while now with all this travel. And it’s going to be this way till I return to Bangalore (though I have given up hopes of seeing Bangalore in the near future).

Am at my husband’s place in Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh). Don’t blame you for not knowing. I didn’t know myself till I got married….. Kakinada is as all small towns across the country are. Small enough for people to know you by name, for you to get from end to end in half an hour, for genuine niceness……

It’s good to be here for a change but I am a big-city person, have always lived in big cities, And am bound to go mad after a few days of this….. Living in big cities makes one soooo cynical…..

Will blog whenever I manage to find a computer. And whenever blogger / blogspot behaves itself. Unlike right now. Random thought – does Musings from Kakinada sound half as exciting as Vajpayee’s Musings from Kumarakom?