Kingsley misses me…..

That was just to make sure you start reading my blog again, folks…..

Anyways, thanks K 🙂 🙂 I am back…..

I’d stepped off for a while. In other words, I took a holiday in regions where there were no computers, leave alone internet… Our mobile phones didn’t work either…. And believe me, I didn’t miss these one bit….

Just returned from a fantastic holiday in parts of Uttaranchal. Managed to avoid the crowds by going off-season and going untouristy places too…. Naukuchiatal, Bhimtal, Ranikhet, Kausani, Baijnath, Binsar…. Of these, Binsar was the best….

A bird sactuary in Kumaon region of Uttaranchal, the Binsar experience is unparalled. A steep drive on a single track road leads you to the near-top. From there, a short 2 kmish trek to the top through what was deep forest area not too long ago. Framed by tall oak and rhododendron trees on either side, these same paths see leopards, barking deer and wild boar during the night…… (Am I a poet or what ? But these Himalayan sun-rises and sun-sets are enough to make a poet of anyone)

Up, at 8000 feet is a rickety (looking) watch-tower. A place to get up close and personal (from a distance) with the Trishul and Nanda Devi and the PanchaChuli range, even Kedarnath and Badrinath on a clear day…. A 360 degree view of the Himalayas….. My guide tried to sell us the idea that the China border was visible too, but then you know what guides are….

Knew what it was to feel on top of the world…. getting back to the world below is blah….. But life goes on…..