Aishwarya Rai and Pulse Polio

Amitabh Bacchan is an angry old man. How many times should I tell you, he asks in the latest Polio Plus ads. The critical parent is clearly tired of his aggressive go-do-it act. Am curious about how much the ad has achieved its objectives – should be good enough for the agency to keep up the theme. With an activated Refresh function.

In comes Aishwarya Rai. The perfect foil, says the ad agency. A star to match the super-star’s stature. She soothes him and pleads with the viewers, why do you make him angry ? Why don’t you just go-do-it.

There. The same message. Different tone. The somewhat indulgent parent, shielding the child from the angry parent’s gaze.

Great job. O &M cannot go wrong.

Transactional Analysis is all fine, but seriously, why Aishwarya Rai ? Targeting the dads this time around ? (Anyways Bacchan is angry with the moms who have not rushed to get their child immunized on his advice). In that case, is Yana Gupta a better choice ?! Babuji, zara jaldi chalo…..


  1. Pingback: Boulevard India
  2. Ash has a credibility and her words have a meaning to all. if by adding her voice she can convince a few more to take polio drops, she has done her duty. crditable that Ash is always available for social causes.

  3. The name Ash generate publicity and interest and therefore she is called for this ad. i appreciate her ability and willingness to spare her time.

  4. Transactional Analysis is all ok, but Ash is a human being who with looks and conduct overcomes all these managment jargon. Ash is the unofficial ambassodr for polio campaign and she will contribute her best.Hope her effort in Pakistan add to our good relationship with this perennial problematic state.

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