IIMs now made ‘affordable’

Cheap IIMs. Is Indian corporata ready for this ?

The Union HR Minister Murli Manohar Joshi has announced an 80% slash in the yearly fees : from Rs. 1.5 lakhs to Rs.30000. Who gives him this right to interfere in everything he chooses? If corruption (all this started with the leak in this year’s admission test papers) is his peeve, then it is time to close in on the innumerable private dental colleges and engineering colleges across the country that charge students much much more and provide them with worthless degrees at the end of it all (that is, when the college has bothered to carry on classes for the specified three or four years).

That being that, here are a few more steps proposed for the IIMs starting this academic year :

* IIMs will now take lessons in fund generation and adminstration from such private colleges….. And fill in quotas openly. And take ‘building donations’…..

* Next, of course, the texts prescribed by the IIMs will come in for scrutiny. How dare they teach the works of foreign writers and thinkers here!

* There will also be a new subject introduced in the curriculum, jyotir vigyan, or vedic astrology…..

* And finally, all IIMs will now be renamed….. As Chhatrapati Shivaji Institutes of Management…..

Heil Joshi !