The joy of discovering…..

When was the last time you did anything for the first time ? Emirates Airlines….. I had written about it ages ago when I had just started blogging….. atleast it seems like ages ago!

Wednesday, August 27, 2003
One Life, Many Dreams

Saw this ad for Emirates Airlines recently. A couple of dignified middle-aged men. Silent. Till they step out into the street. And see snowfall. That instant transformation….. smiles and the very ungentlemenly spring in their steps…. and the line says – when was the last time you did something for the first time?

Seriously, when was the last time I did anything for the first time ? Something different from what I do everyday? Safe in my routine… tried and tested, established way of living…..

Have one life…. need to live it to the fullest…. the way I want…..

Is it any wonder that Emirates has been ‘airline of the year’ year after year for a long time now 🙂

There is so much that we take for granted around us…. what is familiar is boring….. Ripples had written about how Nancy keeps on discovering something about Chennai even after years of living there. Nancy’s joy at visiting Mahabalipuram is evident each time she writes about it. Is that because she looks at it from an outsider perspective ? Whereas for me, Madras is where I was born and went to school and made my first friends. And Mahabalipuram was where my school took us for excursions year after year ?!

Maybe if I visit it as an adult now, I will feel different about it. Or if I take my husband along, who’s never been there…

Similarly, Ravages had written about a qualitative research presentation that he attended. To be honest, I was very sceptical initially when I read the post. As a qualitative researcher myself, I had stopped believing that the other person could actually see something new and exciting in what is for me, a routine presentation.

Qualitative research is really briliant for an advertiser, agency, and the creatives. Oh My Gawd ! I had stopped hoping long long ago of ever hearing anything like this !

And further to this, Dina writes about another client’s (not hers maybe) wonder at attending focus groups.

All this makes me think, how did I get so jaded and cynical ? Why have I stopped discovering and enjoying the small wonders of life ? When did this happen ? And how does one get out of this ?

It is true, Ripples, familiarity does breed indifference….