Paati passes away

My grandmother passed away yesterday… at the age of 84…. She’s lived a full happy life…. No regrets….. A person for whom the house and kitchen was the whole world…. Who was never happy unless she was doing something or giving something to others….

Who has never gone to school but still use to devour Tamil magazines and books (and read English names and signboards clumsily) and keep herself updated on current affairs…. both at home and in the world….. Well, she had strong ideas on Sonia Gandhi’s suitability for PMship (go for it, girl! was her idea…. ‘just because she is a woman, everyone is harassing her‘)…. maybe she shoud have blogged too….

An ‘that-generation’ woman who told me ten years ago not to fall for this arranged marriage trap, ‘bride-showing’ myself in front of strange men (you are so educated and smart, why should you go though this?) and to find myself someone who liked and respected me (not that my parents liked her for this!)

You will be missed, paati….