Life incommunicado

The rain gods have finally smiled (ok, frowned, considering the state of clothes which don’t dry and walls which leak) upon Bombay…. The annual ritual of train stoppage happened yesterday…. And with it went our building’s main cable…. Which has stopped the lift and the cable television service (which was restored first, which makes me think about the priorities of people – but then they don’t all live on the seventh and top floor of the building) and the internet service (don’t even ask me how these are connected).

And as if things were not jolly enough, Reliance woke up last morning and decided that enough was enough – and promptly blocked my outgoing calls. The latest assault from Reliance in our ongoing battle for the bill…. (They want me pay it and I want them to send it first. Sounds fair?)

So, I spent all of yesterday sipping masala chai and watching the rain pitter-pattering on my windows (though my mood was nowhere as cheery as it sounds now)…. With no way of communicating with the outside world… It is a different thing that I went through a bad two months or so recently when I chose to cut myself off from the outside world, but it is all about the power of choice…. As opposed to being forced…. Very scary feeling…..

And now, well into my second such day, when the cable internet serivce has come thorugh, what do I do first? Blog about my experience! Did not even pause to admire my Calvin wallpaper once or laugh over my junk mail (there are many pastimes that an idle mind devices)…..

Am I back on track or what?!