On domestic violence

Today’s discovery is vichaar.org : thought-provoking insights on India (although I must admit that I found it strange that the writer rather than the reader thought so – but then to each his own). With categories politics, terrorism, economy, security, IndoPak relations and more – this is sure one interesting blog. (A blog discovery a day – is just too much to hope for… Once every so often keeps me happy).

Some shocking revelations on – Domestic violence *increases* with education (link thru womensenew.org). Discussing a study on domestic violence in India (among other countries), the article says that the study found a woman’s risk of being beaten, kicked or hit rose along with her level of education. This finding is accompanied by an intelligent warning not to use this data to push aside any existing thrust on women’s education in India. More disturbing facts and figures are quoted in the report.

….. researchers found that the highest rates of sexual violence were among highly educated men. Thirty-two percent of men with zero years of education and 42 percent men with one-to-five years of education reported sexual violence. Among men with six-to-10 years of education–as well as those with high-school education and higher–this figure increased to 57 percent. (I assume this finding means that the women reported on their men and not that the men themselves admitted to sexual violence).

A similar pattern was seen when the problem was analyzed according to income and socioeconomic standing. Those at the lowest rungs of the socio-economic ladder–migrant labor, cobblers, carpenters, and barbers–showed a sexual violence rate of 35 percent. The rate almost doubled to 61 percent among the highest income groups.

Researchers have not determined why men with higher incomes and educations are more likely to be violent towards women.

Trying to shake off the feeling of horror that clings to me, I am trying to think about this. Studies across the world, including in countries like the US have shown similar trends.

Does it intuitively make sense to you that men tend to get more violent / abusive towards their wives as their education / income level increases? Of course, it could be possible – the man’s need to be “the man of the house” and to “show the woman her place” might increase as his own self image gets more and more enhanced. But it not an explanation I am entirely comfortable with.

Could it possibly be that the incidence of reported violence / abuse increases as the woman’s education level increases (assuming more educated men marry correspondingly more educated women, as a rule) or among higher income / high socioeconomic classes?

What I mean is : it might not be necessarily more violence itslef but more likelihood and incidence of violence being reported and documented.

Turning cause-effect relationship on its head.
(Not to undermine the trauma of such victims in any way, but just to suggest that research findings need not and must not always been taken at face value. When there is no obvious explanation, look at it from other angles – which most but the best researchers fail to do)

And if this is true, then there is a stronger need for such social monitoring, for sensitivity among the law makers and the ‘protectors’, and better support systems for victims – to enable them to come out of this hell and report it – and then pick up pieces of their lives and move on.

For however educated the woman is, whatever her income and social status, she is reluctant to come out and report such violence – especially sexual violence. Apart from concerns about societal pressures and the future of her children, there is a much deeper barrier holding her back – of battered self respect.

The Indian Government’s Domestic Violence Bill was panned for its entirely subjective and insensitive understanding of the issue . For instance, I quote, the Bill defines domestic violence as conduct whereby the abuser ‘habitually assaults’ the person aggrieved or makes her life ‘miserable’ by his conduct. Why does the assault need to be ‘habitual’ for it to amount to domestic violence? What does one mean by making the life of a person ‘miserable’? Lobbyists have raised enough stink to get the bill reconsidered by the parliamentary working committee – but so far, nothing seems to have come out of it…..


  1. Proposed Domestic Violence Bill to Increase or Decrease the Domestic Violence????????

    The Editor

    Sub: Proposed Domestic Violence Bill to Increase or Decrease the Domestic Violence????????

    Respected Sir,

    I had come across to your article regarding the proposed Domestic Violence Bill, where the Verbal abuse and mental Harassment to be punishable to husband and the court will order through out the Husband from the home.

    But in reality the verbal abuse and mental harassment, both a wife and husband are equally capable to do the same in case of any Domestic violence, but as per proposed DV Act, the punishments for only to husband, but for wife forget any punishment, there is no provision of any warning to her. As per our observation if we really want to reduce the Domestic Violence in terms of Verbal abuse and Mental cruelty , “ Both husband or wife should be punishable in the same way as both are equally capable to do the same “.

    How do you justify this?? What punishment you recommended, if any dishonest girl and their parents misuse this to fulfill their Sowry or any illogical demand??

    In the various article, writer’s themselves had accepted that when a girl and their parents put 498a , there is no reconciliation possible , results the break up of the family , and in court the truth is only 2 % case are convicted since 1983 , and 98% case had been made to extortion of money , blackmailing and harassment only and the end results break up of family. So do you feel we should allow this DV Act to be used in the same manner like 498a???

    Now if this DV Act comes in effect as it is means , one section of people ( wife ) will get Whole Sale free license for Verbal abuse and mental harassment , results :-

    – More brake up of family.
    – More crime against Women ( as happened after introduction of 498a , as per your record only )
    – More children will brought up under single parenting system .
    – More elder parents and pregent sister will go to jail and will be thrown out of the house by misusing this DV Act.

    As the LAW made keeping in mind the rural and village wife , but the same will be misused by well educated , rich and greedy wife in urban and big city Power babe , what is happening in 498a today!

    We appreciate and understand your intention to wards improve the Indian Society and as a leading News paper you have greater responsibility to have a better society. Few years back until We faced the reality with the situation and introduce the IPC498a (Non bailable, non compoundable offence) which is worse than TADA or POTA, we never consider the effect of the misuse of the same and how this will spoil the basic foundation of institution of marriage of Indian Society. Seating on fence one will feel the same situation. With all our sincere respect to all of you, we request one of you to go the court, check with lawyer and judge. They will tell the real stats and misuse of act and abuse to age old mothers, sisters (including pregnant), father and husbands.

    If you don’t belief please go though at least this three article:-
    – WHO Report – Elder abuse by Daughter In LAW is the biggest problem in India.
    – US Government Caution warning for marriage in India.
    – ZEE TV Andha Kanoo Programe.

    In Internet in Goggle Search, please search for 498a , you will find huge no of misuse story by different well known social organization and writers .

    Now to kill the left out family and spoil the institution of marriage this Domestic Violence Bill Proposed by a gang of people who are secretly working in the Name of Women well fare.

    Regarding DV Act Peco Chakravatru says: “In case of 498a, often it is possible to
    prove in a black and white way that you are innocent. You can show
    Cheque books, credit card bills and bank statements. But Domestic
    violence is very vague to define. If you shout a bit loud, even that
    can considered as DV. Now, they are saying it will be non-bailable.
    The bank accounts will be frozen. The Husband would be thrown out of his house and wife can stay (right to matrimonial home). Moreover, Husband has to keep paying maintenance to woman by default even if she does not apply for it.”

    So our sincere request to review the same immediately, as already 498a – A strong Blood Cancer already there, this DV Act will totally Kill the Institution of Marriage.

    Resulting the Crime against women, illegal business, dishonest way to earn the money, blackmailing will reach in world top most level. Whole world will make us fool and will be able to weaken our basis foundation of the Indian Society. They will make fun of our Judiciary and Criminal Cases. Because in India still we fight for our Mother, sister. We can’t tolerate if any one try to abuse and send them to Jail in false case.

    So if you really want to save the Institution of Marriage

     Stop abuse of elders at the name of IPC Criminal LAWS.
     Stop blind arrests innocents, without any investigation
     Stop encouraging single parenting and family breakup
     Strong Legal action against those who implicate innocents or catalyze this abuse.
     All family maters to be considered as Civil Matter case only as Criminal Case is not a Joke.

    With high regards
    Swarup Sarkar

    CC :
    : The President of India – For your kind attention pleases to save Indian family.
    : Prime Minister of India – For your kind attention pleases to save Indian family.

    : LAW Minister – For your kind attention please to save Indian family.

    : NRI Minister – For your kind attention please to save Indian family.

    : News Paper Editors – For Honest and transparent article .

    Reference :

    Dowry Harassment of Men
    Domestic Violence Statistics
    Men Batter themselves to feed a family…
    Sorting out the reasons couples turn violent
    Dowry Harassment and Men
    Detailed Suicide Statistics in India which shows that Men need help in Family Situations
    What are your parent’s, sisters’s and your chances of getting 498aed ?
    Most Feminists(Sadists) say “They do not care”, Only a Few Feminists Speak up against Misuse of Dowry Laws.
    Newspaper Reports (if you do not believe us, here are facts)
    TIMESOFINDIA: Bollywood Godmother Nirupa Roy, brutally Slandered before her death with a Dowry Case by her Daughter-in-law.
    THEHINDU: Parents Commit Suicide due to torture after Daughter-in-law files False Case.
    HORRIBLE: THREE-year-old GIRL ended up in jail because of False Dowry Case !!
    BBC: Domestic Violence against Men by Women is also equal in West.
    TIMES OF INDIA: Battered Husbands
    TIMES OF INDIA: In Bangalore Techies are at Receiving end of Harassment by Wives and in-laws
    TIMES OF INDIA: Check Dowry Law Misuse by Women: High Court
    TIMES OF INDIA: Domestic abuse Bill: Men deserve protection too
    INDIAINFO: Dowry harassment of men!
    EXPRESSINDIA: Battered husbands seek justice
    STATESMAN: If woman shows a bit patience….
    STATESMAN: Man Commits Suicide not being able to bear false case by his wife
    STATESMAN: When Men are Victimised by Women
    STATESMAN: Wife Kills Husband for not meeting her Dowry Demands
    TRIBUEINDIA: Domestic Violence by Women Against Men in other parts of world
    TRIBUNEINDIA: Only one out of six dowry complaints genuine
    TELEGRAPH: Man Falsely accused by in-laws of Dowry Death of wife, jailed and separated from his child
    I got my wife ‘SKODA’ car and she told me PODA (go), and Puts Dowry Case
    REDIFF: Hope for Victimised Husbands
    TRIBUNE INDIA: Dowry Act-scared parents disown sons
    HINDUSTAN TIMES: Raped girl arrested on dowry torture charges
    THE HINDU: Parents Kill themselves being Harassed by Daughter-in-law filing False Dowry Case
    INIDIAN EXPRESS: Daughter elops, her father puts False Dowry Death Case on Her Husband for Money.
    EXPRESSINDIA: False Dowry Cases Are Used to improve Crime against women statistics
    EXPRESSINDIA: Delhi HC wants dowry offences to be bailable
    TRIBUNEINDIA: Coming to rescue of harassed husbands
    TIMES OF INDIA: Murder of a Techie, Fiancee held for Intel staffer’s murder in Bangalore
    TAIPEI TIMES: Even CHINESE know about abuse of India’s anti-dowry laws
    BBC: Even Chairperson of the National Commission for Women (NCW) acknowledges the misuse of dowry laws.
    IRANDOKHT: Even IRANIANs know about False Dowry Cases in India.
    TELEGRAPH: Marital Woes of Men in Orissa
    TRIBUNEINDIA: Women mis(using) laws to get even?
    IMDIVERSITY: Some Indian men living in the West have been falsely accused
    TELEGRAPH: Do men also need special laws for protection?
    TIMESOFINDIA: Gee! It’s harassed men’s turn to come crying
    JAMAICAOBSERVER: Even People in JAMAICA Know how Indian Husbands are Harassed
    STATESMEN ORISSA: Do women play a role in dowry deaths?
    One more Man Commits Suicide after False Dowry Case and Torture.
    NCMONLINE: Indian Husbands Fall Victim to Dowry-Immigration Fraud
    MID-DAY: Man ends life over false dowry accusation
    DAILYTIMES: Even Pakistanis know about False dowry cases in India.
    REDIFF: Of harassed husbands and belligerent brides
    NRIINTERNET: NRI Husbands From U.S. Fall Victim To Dowry-Immigration Fraud In India
    TRIBUNEINDIA: In-Laws of the Son drive Father to Suicide.
    TIMESOFINDIA: False dowry claims: Air hostess in trouble
    Times of India: Parents are forcing Daughters to Divorce their Husbands for big Alimony.
    EXPRESS INDIA: Misuse of IPC behind rise in Crime Against Women.
    Times of India: Sham weddings in Punjab when go wrong become desertion cases.
    TRIBUNE INDIA: Old women bitten by Daughter-in-law.
    Haryana Chief Minister Hooda’s son gets anticipatory bailk in 498a case. Is the case genuine ?
    TELEGRAPH: Man Burns himself not being able to bear the torture by wife.
    HindustanTimes: Husband in UP protests wife’s atrocities.
    Times of India: Newly Weds File for Divorce in 15 Days
    Hindustan Times: Corrupt Wife Kills Army Colonel.
    Tribune India: Court Declares terror CAW cells Illegal.
    Tribune India: If Men Can be Aggressive, Women Can be Subversive.
    APA.ORG: Does Data on Domestic Violence tell only one part of the story ?
    Deccan Herald: Sub Inspector rescues Battered Husband in Bangalore
    Deccan Herald: Consolation for Gentle Men in Distress.
    World Health Organisation (WHO) Report: In India, Women Abuse Elders (in-laws) by False Dowry Cases.
    Tribune India: Police told to be sensitive as many Familes Commit Suicide in False Dowry Cases.

  2. Who stole feminism debunks these violnce myths
    Clearly if you did a similar studies for volcence against men you would find similar levels of abuse against men

  3. “Is there any Laxman to support Sita or only Ravan are there to support Surpanakhas??”

    Few days back , I receive a coment in my blog “498A: Made for Sita but Surpanakhas are Encashing!!!! ” , and reproduce the same here for all of your reference.

    One question come to my mind :-

    “Is there any Laxman to Support Sita or only Ravan are there to support Surpanakhas??”

    Recently Supreme Court Judgement Says that the Way 498A ( anti dowry law ) had been misused and innocent people ( Age old parents , Pregent sister , Small Childern along with husband ) had been harrased to earn Money by Black Mailling , this should be term as ” Legal Terrorism “.

    Let think you want to be A Ravan or A Laxman ??

    When this Terrorist Activity will stop in the name of Women Well Fare ??

    As per them the women means only Daughter -in -LAW , our Mother ,Sister are not a women !!! They deserve to go to jail .

    Save Indian Family – Save ” Institution of Marriage ” and Immediately Stop this terrorist activity .

    Jinesh Zaveri said…

    498A: Made for Sita but Surpanakhas are encashing!!

    The question is does a real Sita use 498A; and how will we stop surpanakha misusing it?

    And is the purpose of such law really served in reality ?
    Let us take 4 broad combinations to a Marriage and applications of 498A.
    In today’s modern world if :-

    1. The boy is like Ram and the girl is like Sita
    2. The boy is like Rakshasha and the Girl is likeSurpanakha
    3. The boy is like Rakshasha and the Girl is like Sita
    4. The boy is like Ram and the girl is like Surpanakha

    Case 1:
    The boy is like Ram and the girl is like Sita:The questions of 498A does not arise .

    Case 2:
    The boy is like Rakshasha and the Girl is like Surpanakha:They fight it out among themselves if things are wrong or it is ideal match on the other extreme side.

    Case 3:
    The boy is like Rakshasha and the Girl is likeSita:Well ideally this is the case where 498A is fairly applicable and the guy is deserving of it. But, Sita by virtue of her characteristic will NOT AND DOES NOT implicate 498A on the Husband and her family. (Like of the cases seen in the society around us, the wife is firm not to cause harm to anyone, thus 498A is not utilized for the reason it should be) Thus the purpose of thevery foundation of the law for whom it is dedicated is not fulfilled.

    Case 4:
    The boy is like Ram and the girl is like Surpanakha:

    Well well well this is what is happening everywhere,where 498A benefits the Surpanakhas of our society and Rams and his family are reduced to puppets. 498A is misused to the fullest of its capacity and the real motive behind the law it is lost to protect the “ABLANARI”.

    Its is highly misused by the nuisance value creators of the society, committing a mockery of the judicial system, by misleading and fooling the entire society including the very law.This needs to be stopped, as the real purpose is not met and the crooks are at work, making money and going scott free where as Rams and his family members are in jail.

    “When the Statistics reveal that a drastic majority of the cases are framed falsely for earn money , why should we allow such laws that encourage injustice and dishonest way to earn money?”

    We need a changein the current scenario.

    Inqulab Zindabad.

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