‘Mind-blogging possibilities’ – The Hindu

I had wondered a few days ago on my blog:

Why are there so many bloggers from Madras ?
And what do they write about?

And quoting one of the responses, from Chandru

There are a whole bunch of Madras bloggers. True. I think the reasons for it is in History. Blogging finally brings words and writing back to popularity. It allows for a journalistic, writer kind of a person space to display his full potential.

Madras, always a highly literate city, and associated strongly with the birth of Indian journalism, (and still is the home of one of India’s better newspapers) revels in the written word.

As a society, madrasis and tamils are more verbal and wordy in nature, and less visual. Therefore, blogs.I once came across a quotation that said something like “the more evolved, higher a society is, the less visual it gets”. very true of madras. A long, colourful history, one of the oldest civilisations and cultures. Definitely blunts the visual, and increases the verbal.

As a PMO (Person of Madras Origin – oh, sounds so so much better than Madrasi), I agree totally.

Here’s more on Chennai bloggers. From an interview in The Hindu.