Goodbye to the Golden Arches?

McDonald’s Replaces Golden Arches With Question Mark in the UK – from Adrants
(link thru adland). Imagine the McD without the golden arches…

McD has not been having it easy, has it? What with Supersize Me and beefat or not to beefat…
But is changing the logo and the line (as adrants says, just to make sure we noticed the change) all that is needed to change the image – so carefully spoilt over the years?

This is like Air India getting rid of the Maharaja and getting a flighty pigeon as its new symbol – to announce its intentions of being the all new friendly and punctual flyer service…


  1. It’s probably a fall out of asking too many people “Do you want fries with that?”
    Probably, they want to portray a company that is inquisitve, intuitive, dynamic and responsive to the customer? Asking “May I help you?” all the time?
    Just a guess…

    I’ve a question to ask. Why do all lnks open in a new window?

  2. I think there’s an error here Charu. I clicked comments, and it opened a new window, i closed it, clicked the title of the post and it opens a new window. That’s all right. I can choose to not open in the new window. But i clicked the say it button here, and the comments open up a new window. Something wrong.

  3. True, my first thought was – are they finally accepting that they are clueless! and this “question mark” is soon hoing to move to McD US and maybe other countrie after that….

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