Television ratrace

What’s with television channels and the number One? Harini says Star is offering yet another channel from its stable. Star One – to be launched on the first of Novmeber is aimed at the upper end of the TG.

And now I see hoardings all over announcing that from now, Sahara TV wil be One TV…

One with what? One of what?

A thought on the side – will Sahara Parivaar now be called the One family?

And another irrelevant and irreverant thought – remember India’s desperate attempts to spread the message of family planning in the early eighties with this tacky slogan – one family, one tree 🙂

The tv channel war is hotting up… Am waiting eagerly for the next One!

(For the uninitiated, employees of Sahara are believed to be – by the owner – part of the large and rather sycophantic Sahara family – or parivaar)

Note : By the way, I just saw that it is Sahara Manoranjan that is now One television. So, earlier, they atleast promised entertainment, and now nothing but television! Entertainment not even in name…


  1. Starnge for Star especially when their rerun channel “Utsav” reached doom even before bloom. BTW you forgot the channel in its beta, “Zoom” from the TOI group tha promises a peek into the bedrooms of the Page 3 personas. They are the best judge of the changing youth pulse.

  2. hi Debu, seeing you after a long time… Star has really gone crazy. dunno why they are doing this…. as for Zoom, I think it sucks. the less said, the better about anything from the ToI stable…

  3. given what is put out in the name of entertainment, that may not be such a bad idea:)
    check out K street pali hill – truly atrocious and the item number programme on Zoom that makes Zee’s show positively classy in comparison:)

  4. given what is put out in the name of entertainment, that may not be such a bad idea:)
    check out K street pali hill – truly atrocious and the item number programme on Zoom that makes Zee’s show positively classy in comparison:)

  5. All new TV channels SUCK! Zoom, Star One, Utsav & worst is Sahara One. Just surfed (by mistake)to a Shobhaa De show on it today. What a YAWWWWN! Put me back to sleep! Made me think does Sahara HATE its viewers to torture us? She shud go back to writing porn – she ws better at that! & we…go back to watching movies!

  6. oh yes, soft porn is shobha de’s forte.. and in any case, channels like zoom are nothing but that…

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