Unwanted comments

Alright, I have had it with jobless ***#@%&^s who leave crap comments on my blog. How can I block comments I dont want. People, help!


  1. I have been through all that stress on my blog – but I did some things that fixed it a few weeks back – and I haven’t had a single spam comment since then!

    Here’s what I did:

    1. Chenge the name of your comment script to something other the the default – and change your emplates accordingly. This is the first line of defence – and will eliminate all the totally unsophisticated spambots.

    2. Next – change your comment script to force people to “preview” comments before posting. Of the ones that made it past your first line of defence above – some spambots will not get past this measure – as they only “push” the button once.

    3. The last line of defence is a blacklist. Any that *do* make it past the first two hurdles can only really be caught by this method.

    Also – you should consider preventing things like “crapflooding” – which is where repeated comments are made to your blog – you can employ measures like limiting the number of postings that can be made in any short time period – e.g. number of comments permitted per day – or time between comments submitted etc.

  2. There you go, Charu!

    charukesi.com is now protected by a blacklist-based spam filtration policy. no more sick comments! 🙂

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