Grr, spam

My blog was swamped with thousands (I am not exaggerating, people) – thousands of spam comments. And I was at the point of deleting the comments option from the blog when Sameer came to my rescue once again. Here’s hoping this blog is spam free from now (or is that too much to hope for?).

Thanks Sameer, you have just reinforced my faith in the magic of ceramdies!


  1. You’re welcome! πŸ™‚

    I am fairly confident of this blog’s spam-free future… well, the near future at least!

  2. What you got were not spam comments. They were trackbacks from spamming sites. I have turned off the trackbacks/pingbacks. Hopefully, there won’t be any more.

    But then, I don’t want to speak too soon! πŸ˜‰

  3. ya, I know… I have this image of my blog floaitng around in poker and porn sites getting trackbacked all the time! :d thanks again!

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