A weekend of cricket and bloggers

Enough and much more has been said all over the Indian blog world about cricket and the Indo Pak series. Sure, everyone is an expert when it comes to cricket (ok, not me). From Sumankumar on Cricket Commentators of the Sub-continent to Sameer’s spirited analysis to Amit Varma’s commentary on his blog (from the media box at the Chi stadium in Bangalore – I was a few boxes away in the Cricinfo box thinking more than once of going around to find and say hi to Amit Varma – as I have been intending since his tsunami coverage days – maybe when I am back in Bombay!)

The high point for me on Monday was meeting Madras bloggers and Cricinfo founders Badri and Satya… Have promised myself to catch up with them soon. I have left an incomplete conversation with Satya on his interest in education…

Cricket devotees – warning – blasphemy coming up – I was more fascinated by the mini economy that had sprung up all around the stadium – starting from one end of MG Road – face painters, flag sellers, whistle hawkers – were there are also black ticket guys – looked around for some but didn’t find any?!, not to mention auto rickshaw drivers who were out to and managed to make a killing… sort of urban mela with these hawkers taking the palce of ferris wheels and bioscopes 🙂

And had a great time with Anita Bora over coffee. Grand travel plans to South East Asia have been drawn (and I see I have already got a reminder for same!). Cambodia, here we come?!

What I did not manage was food at Shiok – which I see is a ritual for all bloggers visitng Bangalore. Can only console myself with Anita’s words of wisdom – oh, you are a vegetarian – it’s ok then… (to have not been there done that)…


  1. hey, it was nice meeting up with you. hopefully, next time we will be able to do a meal. vegetarian to suit your sensibilities, ay?!

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