Paired Interview Technique

Fast-tracking research with paired interviews

(link through elearningpost)

Why why do research agencies still cling to conventional beaten-to-death techniques – even though in many situations it is not the best or most efficient method of data collection / analysis – so much so that qualitative research (atleast in India) has become synonymous with focus groups?

I was doing some research for a large agency recently – on television viewing habits and channel preferences – and data collection was through surprise surprise – focus groups – in that situati0n, paired interviews or even family interviews made so much more sense – television viewing is strictly a family decision and the kind of compromises / interplay between family members would have made for fascinating and useful data – by the time I got involved in the project, there was no scope for any thought other than focus groups… and I feel that frustration each time I encounter focus group situations where other simpler tools would have worked better…


  1. :)) I live in Bombay… was visiting Delhi on work… and I used to live in Bangalore before moving to Bombay! and I keep traveling on work, so you will see local updates from lots of places 🙂

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