Asking to be raped?

The Shiv Sena outdoes itself this time… In an article in Saamna (the party propaganda newspapaer), the Sena presents a thoroughly objectionable explanation for inducement of rape – women wearing revealing clothes – in other words, women asking to be raped…

And what is their basis for saying this – the police chowky where the rape happened was found to be covered with pictures of semi nude women… So any man commits rape and points to the woman, accusing her of enticing him by wearing revealing clothes – in fact, if this bit about picture found inside the chowky is to be taken seriously, it is not even necessary for the victim to have been wearing such clothes – it is enough that any woman does.

The woman is not the victim but the accomplice? The article wondered who is to be blamed if a youth misbehaves with an innocent girl – the youth or the society at large. (Incidentally, I am waiting for the Maharasthtra Government to come out with a statement vindicating their decision to close down dance bars all over the state)

What was this girl’s fault? That she went to Marine Drive? in the middle of the day? with two boys for company? Right, enough to lure any strong willed policeman with morals into rape…

More imporantly, rape is less about lust or even sex than about power (teach her a lesson) and hatred (teach her community / family a lesson) and other strong negative emotions – such an act is the sign of an otherwise deranged mind – the Times of India which had carried the Sena article on its first page yesterday, also carries a small piece on the third page (no, not page 3) about a twenty year old man who raped a two year old girl. Yes, two years old… And what was this girl’s fault? In this case, the victim cannot even be considered a sex object – she is merely an object…

Incidentally, the TOI editorial today carries a strong comeback to the Sena’s argument – about women being denied their basic constututional freedom of choice. Oh my god, please, this is not about markets and modernity as the title says – not about clothes – but about our society’s attitude towards women and sexuality in general… the greater need is not for women to cover up, but for building sensitivity around such incidents – where they cannot be prevented, there is aleast a need for society to look at the victim with a sympathetic eye – sensitivity among the law makers, the ‘protectors’ – better support systems -helping her pick up the pieces and move on with her life… however, always keeping in mind her feelings and needs…

Read also The Hindu on Moral Police Not Moral Policing


  1. Harneet, I had a look at the blog – the image is very powerful – am writing to Jasmeen… thanks for the link…

  2. you are most welcome..
    incidentally, i first came across her work on fotolog ( ), where she had put up some of the recent stalker shots too…
    it got a mention in the last edition of the India Today too…
    in an article on blogging..

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