Wham bam, marry you, ma’m?

Girl rejects rapist’s marriage offer. the 22 year old nurse who was raped by a ward boy has refused his offer of marriage – she only wants to see him hang. Not only did the man rape her, he also gauged out her eyes before the act… surely the foundation stone for a happy peaceful mariage…

In his application, Bhura pleaded the court to take a lenient view as he is now a reformed man and said since no one would marry the victim, he was willing to marry her. Now rapist turns benefactor…

Marrying off the victim to the rapist is such a cruel idea – what does this solve – apart from legally giving him the right to rape her evey night if he so chooses.

We don’t think of doing this with other crimes – for instance giving away to the thief whatever he has stolen…? Then what kind of justice is this?


  1. benefactor my left toe nail. the bastard was just trying to get a lighter sentance.
    btw we have both blogged about the same issue. yet again:)

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