The ‘affordable’ computer dream

‘Mobilis’ PC @Rs10K! Encore, Encore!. The Mobilis, a Linux based desktop is slated for launch soon – priced roughly at Rs.10000. “The “Mobilis” would cost between 10,000-12,000 rupees per piece initially but the price may come down with large volume production,” Vinay Deshpande, chairman and CEO of the Bangalore-based Encore Software, told Reuters.

Clearly, the company has concerned itself with the issue of scalability – so far so good, atleast they are talking about large volumes – making the Mobilis a ‘model’ would contribute little towards development as such – The company had launched the Simputer a while ago – while it was heralded as the ultimate ICT4D solution, it seems to have gone the ‘demo’ route (also read what happened to the Simputer to understand this better). Also here is a Simputer for idiots piece from rediff. I had also written about thinking out of the demo mode a long while ago….

However, on a more optimistic note, a PC costing less than Rs.10000 is a marvel. Combine this with efforts to provide computing in regional languages. Making technology accessible in more ways than one to those on the other side of the great digital divide – as information and communication technologies increasingly become the foundation on which our economy functions, it is no longer feasible or even commercially viable for technology providers to deny the have-nots the opportunity of being part of the new economy.

Read Rajesh Jain’s posts on the massputer where he talks about the need for IT companies to reconise the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid

It is very interesting to watch how markets move and products become cheaper and more accessible with technology – I was driving through parts of rural Maharasthra recently – and I noticed that there were villages with population figures of a few hundreds – with no basic facilities – no schools, no roads, not even a doctor or a dispensary – but many of them had an STD booth…

There is no arguing this fact (although this is one of the most disputed topics in development studies!) – technological progress must and does contribute towards development….

Remember the days when mobile phones cost a small packet – and people bought them but rarely used them (can afford the phone but can’t afford the call charges!). Why, remember a time when we had to book a trunk call and wait for hours to get through – and then pay a bomb – or wait for 11 p.m. to make use of the discounted call rates? Or when you had to apply for a land line and wait for months and even years to get a connection?


  1. I’m pretty convinced that telephones are going to change India more than any thing else (the change has started), and the computer is already becoming a close second. Agents of change…..welcome.

  2. Now where did my comment go? Took such a long time to type it πŸ™

    Anyway here I go again:

    I guess its time we got some clarification on this hyped up issue.

    1. Cost Range:
    It varies from Rs.10000 (optimistic with govt sops and bulk production) to Rs.20000
    As per news clippings archived in Encore Soft (manufacturer of this PC) site:
    Times Of India
    DD News

    2. With or Without Monitor:
    As per Hindu Businessline, “SofComp includes a pocketbook size CPU and a 15-inch monitor”. However if you check the product description from the manufacturer’s site, “keyboard, Monitor and Mouse shown are optional accesories that are not part of standard equipment” πŸ™

    3. Configuration:
    First of all it has small screen size (not too bad for laptop)and just VGA output. More importantly it doesnt even have hard disk. Even if its a student, they do need to store study materials including audio-visual material. External storage devices are costly.

    4. Targeted at:
    Important question. If its targetted against village community centres, schools, village/panchayat administration, govt offices etc then it shouldnt matter whether its a desktop or laptop. For non-business executives, laptop is required only under two conditions. Either they are required to work while travelling (I still cant think of any govt or villager who requires it) or else its a personal laptop which they want to take home after using it for business (once again the list which i mentioned before wont fall under this category). So I believe a desktop is as good as laptop. Only issue is the price.

    5. Cheapest?
    For a laptop – yes. But among all PC – a big NO. Check out this branded desktop PC for Rs. 9999 So given a choice will someone purchase a fully loaded desktop at cheaper price or low-spec “laptop” for higher price (also take into consideration that this targeted at people with low purchasing parity)

    5. Funding:
    CSIR had given a research grant of Rs.3 crores for developing this product under the scheme called “New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative”. I can give you a better assembled desktop for Rs.13000 from Ritchie Street in chennai or National market in Bangalore. Is CSIR sitting on huge cash reserves or what?

    6. Simputer:
    The problem with simputer was that they never did a study of the existing markets. When you can get very good PDAs for Rs.8000 why will one go for simputer?

    7. Low cost initiatives around the world:
    Look at this MIT initiative They are planning to develop laptops for 100$. They are achieving this by making breakthroughs in technical issues. Though it was started only this year, already AMD and Google are supporting it. The first laptop is expected to roll out in end of 2006 or beginning of 2007.

    I hope the Govt realizes that its not only the cost of PC (though it is pretty high in the list) but availablity of low cost and practically useful software in different local languages is the key for desktop penetration. Majority of our population wont be interested in working with excel in the current form. They need radically different and useful software which can be done only through customization. May be this is where CDAC should come in or even CSIR could have used the Rs.3 crores to develop applications.

    I hope that atleast this time, it gets published without any issues.

  3. absolutely Sunil.. people, and by that I mean at the grassroots (although I hate that term!) communication/technology-enabled is the way ahead for the country…. I was really surprised when i saw the STD booths in really back of the beyond places…

  4. oops sorry, Dheepak – guess my spam control mechanism (whatever that is since someone else put it in place for me) must have thought your comment was too long to be genuine!
    anyways, thanks for the comment – you ae absolutely right – it is not just the cost of the PC but the ‘availablity of low cost and practically useful software in different local languages’ that is the answer…
    as for ‘study of existing markets’- well, I am a market social research professional myself – always do a study of the market is what I say!!

  5. Dheepak. another thought – do you think a laptop makes sense in a ‘village’ scenario – if that is where such a product is targeted – considering paucity of space – a laptop would be easier to store, handle and transport – as opposed to a cumbersome desktop?

  6. Charu, can you visualize situation where you need to transport the laptops in villages? It is more likely that it is either in village schools or village community centre in which case they are at a central location. I dont think they will be allowed to move it to after it is “installed”. Unless some enterprising farmer thinks of carrying it with him from Markets to Grindmills. But when we folks from the city with some cash to burn, dont find laptop as must have product then how can we convince the farmers [Need to give some nice use case and value for money].

  7. ok… the long post above points out what is wrong with mobilis … let me try to point out what i feel is right with it –

    before going on i request ppl to see the picture of the product at

    now first thing that strikes me is the mechanical sturdiness – very suitable for rough use because it does not have moveable parts such as a mouse…
    (you rant why do villagers need laptops!) – size does have a lot to do with it… remember one person will not be able to afford a computer on his own it will be owned by groups (lot of cases)and it will have to move from place to place a lot and that too on bicycles so small hand bag with your new mobilis can prove useful

    other good stuff is lack of hard disks – really reliable system no more currupt data system failures due to incorrect shutdown- most of the storage will be small and smart card based (remember these guys are not into computing for mp3 and mpegs they want some real help in getting their work done)and the amount of data generated at the end of the day can be synchronysed to a PC through internet or direct connection…

    Software- now this is really bad you should have seen the brochure (the link i gave above) Spreadsheet, Wordprocessing, presentation viewer, email and internet client and address book/calender are all built-in and in indian languages with INDIAN LANGUAGE Text to Speech (you can also see indlinux initiative )
    ” I can give you a better assembled desktop”
    Better is a very relative term in one of the articles —


    “Most capabilities in a standard PC remain unused during day-to-day tasks. The typical PC is designed for planned obsolescence, suitable only for the West’s throwaway culture,” Deshpande was quoted as saying in The Telegraph newspaper.

    ever find yourself wondering why your new wordprocessor on new computer takes same time to load as the older one took to load on older computer? so to put it in a list –
    if “better” means –

    1. more MHz and hence more powerhungry processors
    2. and more eye candy and hence slower software
    3. more fragile hard ware (you know how long cheap keyboard lasts and we are talking about the good old desi rough and tumble)

    ( πŸ™ really sad that i could not expand it to my usual 5 points)

    then you are right!
    you see west has given us the entertainment driven model of PC… we need to adopt a work horse model first! i bet your 13000/- comp will not last a day in power surges , low voltages and power cuts! while with 7 hour batt. life this baby can work at single charge a day!
    (unless you count overtime in which case it turns out that mobilis has built in safeguard against cruel managers πŸ˜‰ )

  8. ok no that i know long posts are not allowed let me say it in asmaller one-
    go see

    see the target market they are stating in the pdf. small size sturdiness and mobility with long batt. life are really essential to these markets
    and one part of my original post
    Software- now this is really bad you should have seen the brochure (the link i gave above) Spreadsheet, Wordprocessing, presentation viewer, email and internet client and address book/calender are all built-in and in indian languages with INDIAN LANGUAGE Text to Speech (you can also see indlinux initiative )
    ” I can give you a better assembled desktop”
    Better is a very subjective term in one of the articles —
    /////////////next post

  9. ///sorry prev post contd

    “Most capabilities in a standard PC remain unused during day-to-day tasks. The typical PC is designed for planned obsolescence, suitable only for the West’s throwaway culture,” Deshpande was quoted as saying in The Telegraph newspaper.

    ever find yourself wondering why your new wordprocessor on new computer takes same time to load as the older one took to load on older computer? so to put it in a list –
    if “better” means –

    1. more MHz and hence more powerhungry processors
    2. and more eye candy and hence slower software
    3. more fragile hard ware (you know how long cheap keyboard lasts and we are talking about the good old desi rough and tumble)

    ( πŸ™ really sad that i could not expand it to my usual 5 points)

    then you are right!
    you see west has given us the entertainment driven model of PC… we need to adopt a work horse model first! i bet your 13000/- comp will not last a day in power surges , low voltages and power cuts! while with 7 hour batt. life this baby can work at single charge a day!
    (unless you count overtime which means it has built in failsafe for cruel managers πŸ˜‰ )

  10. Charu,

    Sorry about this another long(ish) comment. I thought of posting it in my blog. But didnt know which is the right etiquette – to maintain all comments on the original blog or to host the comments else where and just link them here. Anyway I have taken the former defensive approach.

    “now this is really bad you should have seen the brochure (the link i gave above)”
    Its the same link which I quoted on point 2 of my first comment. Anyway let see as to whether these software fulfills the requirement of any of the segments.

    Most of the reasons for purchasing a PC falls under one of the following categories. Let us have a look at how Mobilis and Rs.10000 desktop fare in each of the areas.

    1. Entertainment:

    Expectation: For gaming (need some decent screen as well as good video card)

    Software: No
    Hardware: Cant even think about it.

    Software: Plenty
    Hardware: Can play decent games (as long as you dont expect HL2 or Doom3)

    2. Academic purpose:

    Expectation: Like the ads in the TV, should help a school kid. Could be learning their programming language or learning from interactive audio/video lecturers – CBT (Computer Based Tutorial)

    Software: May be
    Hardware: There is no hard disk – watch something over the internet but you cant save them. Memorize them in the first go (like the gurukal system πŸ™‚ ) No PC is acceptable without few GB of storage space.

    Software: You name it and we suplly it
    Hardware: Yes

    3. SOHO (Small Office Home Office) segment:

    Expectations: Fulfill most of their business need and provide value for money. This could be the shop next door, a small DTP, Lawyers, Medical proffessionals or even the ones functioning literally out of their homes.

    Software: Spreadsheets, wordprocessing etc are essential but they wont suffice the needs. They need customized applications with nice GUI which churns out nice graphs. Remember this is Linux OS. Even if free software is available in the internet, can any end-user install it on their own? Even I struggle sometimes (Dont mistake me, I am a linux and OSS fan)

    Hardware: Bearable

    4. Enterprise User: Heavy weights dont look at cost. So both Mobilis as well as 10k PC are ruled out.

    By fulfilling these requirements, I did say that “I can give you a better assembled desktop”. Infact I am ready to add “at a lower cost too”.

    “Most capabilities in a standard PC remain unused during day-to-day tasks”

    Its like Ferrari and Zen being offered to run in city roads. Both will fulfill the expectations of commuting within the city. Even if Ferrari is under utilized, it makes sense to pick it up if it costs the same (both initial as well as running cost) Similarly if std PC is giving much more capabilities than what is required for the same price of cut down version (Mobilis), why should we say no. After all this is called as future proofing.

    Or else it simply indicates that the PC is being under utilized due to lack of software which meets their needs. If he has all the softwares and he is still not using it, then he shouldnt have purchased it in the first place. It shows that he just fell for hype instead of evaluvating as to whether he required it.

    “The typical PC is designed for planned obsolescence, suitable only for the WestÒ€ℒs throwaway culture”, Deshpande was quoted”
    Its just to attract some claps at the venue. Nothing more, nothing less.

    As per the brochure: “Ideally suited for: Low-cost, compact desktop for offices, homes, small shops…..”
    So they are also planning this to be used as a desktop only. Are they trying to compete based on cost or feature? Unfortunately it fails in both.

    “if better means -”
    “more MHz and hence more powerhungry processors”

    A typical desktop consumes lesser power than some of the incadescent lamp.

    “and more eye candy and hence slower software”
    It means that the software is more usable by the lay man. We can work in linux console on B&W screen. But will a lay man do that? Anyway software doesnt become slow if you had a decent MHz in the first place (prev point)

    “talking about the good old desi rough and tumble”
    Can the typical TV handle this desi rough and tumble? A PC should also be meted out similar treatment. Even if it was tortured, the component sited is wrong. Keyboard is one of the most durable parts of any computer. It will be the one among the last componets to fail. Mine has undergone several test (impact due to fall, bearing the release of my frustrations πŸ™‚ and even coffee spill). I am still wondering as to how Mobilis is classified as sturdy – anything to back this up?

    “i bet your 13000/- comp will not last a day in power surges , low voltages and power cuts!”
    A simple UPS should solve this.

    “while with 7 hour batt. life this baby can work at single charge a day!”
    Question is how much time does it take to fully charge it (the so called “singe charge”). Just a passing thought while charging wont it experience the same power surges, low voltages and power cuts which desktop had to endure while running?

    Anyway Shashwat, it was nice to hear your views – made me to double check lot of facts.

  11. Shashwat, Dheepak, I am overwhelmed – I did mention in my next post that I am a tech-dud. so please please give me some time to read these comments and understand them πŸ™‚ I might ask you lots of stupid questions too at the end of it all…. so bear with me for a few days….

    by the way, comments are not getting lost – think they just stay in moderation queue for a while!!

    and dheepak, fele free to pick up a thread and make a post on your blog – it is perfectly in good form – would be nice if you could give a link back here to the original post

  12. Thanks for the link Srikanth – I have been reading various reports like this – and this aticle elucidates my point exactly – the big thing is not the technologicl advancement or the innovation – there are enough brilliant Indian minds for that – the tricky part is making it commercially available and viable – or scalability or sustainability…

  13. I actually found a way to get rid of planned obsolescence….built
    in errors. Keep in mind I have a windows 3.1 pc which is completely
    functional as a result of my highly unconventional “fix” or repair
    process. Now 20 years old and completely stable and reliable.

    This win3.1 pc used to break down about every 3-6 months….it was
    going thru the built in evolution of failures as revealed by
    this “fix”.

    Nothing will make a consumer buy a new pc like the frustration of
    having a pc which locks up all the time with no service provider
    having the ability to figure out how to make it stop.

    A dead laptop/pc which needs a $600 motherboard when you can buy a
    new one for $1000.

    My unique process is the result of the need to find a fix for a non-
    detectable virus/malicous code which caused multiple
    hardware/software failures. I have a running list of 50 common
    failures/symptoms resolved by this process….everything from
    locking up problems, to data overwritten by garbage, to dead
    motherboard, video board, NIC, to Disk I/O errors and general
    protection failures….even a mac pc with a “damaged Hard drive”
    according to the operating system while attempting to initialize it.

    This process works in DOS/Win 3.x, Win 9x, Win2K, Win 2000 network
    server os, and mac. Hard to say what else it will work on.

    Based on my experience, It will work in every os there is. You can
    see an ad I wrote in an attempt to sell this process at
    Houston.Craigslist computer service section.

    This info is not known by even the most experienced service
    providers as I have repaired desktops, laptops…even printer’s
    boards that were being thrown away by multiple service providers.

    Have a great day,

    PS this process is both time and cost effective.

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