
Today is the day of the 300-mark. Harini pointed out this article to me in the Economic Times – ‘300 pvt radio stations to come up’. Read her post – Radio Go Go

I vaguely sense that is some kind of overload – but exactly what, I don’t know…

Radio will be revived in India and at least 300 private radio stations will be started. Secondly, every foreign publication will be allowed to get published in India, coming in through the FDI route. However, they will not pose a threat to Indian newspapers and will not have any access to Indian advertising.

The Licence Raj is dead but we can still revert to conditional licence. And if you are wondering – in the absence of access to Indian advertising, why will foreign publications rush in – Harini has an answer for that too – the acquisition-merger game will now begin…

Same pie, smaller and smaller pieces.


  1. Interesting that you write this today. Just yesterday, I was chatting with my cousin (a former journalist, now in the States studying some more), and he was saying how the pie is so tiny, that there’s no real place in Mumbai for 3 more new dailies (Mirror and DNA and something else). Also, the lack of good journalists with good writing skills, result in ridiculous salaries from competing dailies. He still keeps getting emails from TOI (shudder) and the like, offering him sums of 1-1.5 lakh p.m. And he said the market is still tiny…..there aren’t any real new readers!

  2. Absolutely Sunil, the media market is going haywire and no one seems to know what is happening – excpet that there is lots of activity – it will interesting to see how the new players fare and where they are, say two years from now…

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