HT – ToI bhai bhai?

Did you see what I did first thing this morning – a full page ad for Hindustan Times on the penultimate page of the Times of India? My jaw dropped and stayed dropped for a long time while I mused on the possible reasons :

Is this ToI’s idea of a dare? Or is the media industry taking the no-poaching-back-scratching agreements too seriously? Or has someone at ToI just goofed? Who is having the last laugh – ToI or HT or the reader?

And to think just yesterday Harini responded to my comment on her post Radio Go Go My problem with media ownership in India is two fold: a) that it is an oligopoly behaving like a cartel. On the face of it competing at all levels, perpetually at each other’s throats. But colluding to ensure that nothing that introduces competition or consumer choice or efficiency succeeds.

The cartel moves in strange ways… If you know anything more about this, please enlighten me…


  1. Long ago I stopped reading both. When they became bhai-bhai and started printing all glam stuff without any substance. So I really am amazed at what you have written.

  2. Mridula, what exactly are you amazed by? They are competitors – they are both vying for a share in the same markets – and one runs a full page ad of the other…?

  3. See, that’s the effect of no preview. A missing < / a > and you have this …Sorry for that overflowing link.

  4. Suhail, I have no idea how I missed this one – first thing I saw this morning was this ad and I have been wondering about it since…

    so the readers get screwed while the ‘competitors’ laugh all the way to the bank?! and these companies dare talk of prosumers and the contribution of readers towards content… imagine a government-large mediahouses kind of collusion – a few large companies owning different media vehicles and not only cross promoting between their vehicles but across brands. oh?

    Harini, we need to pull our socks and get back to mediamusings:)

    Sameer, I need a preview function – where are you?

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