Yellowikis – business listings as wiki

Can’t find that information on the small business you were looking for? Now there is yellowikisbusiness information in wiki format.
(Link through ResearchBuzz).

This is what their main page says – We want to be like Yellow Pages (, Dun and Bradstreet ( and Hoovers ( all rolled into one – but open, free to both companies and users, global, multilingual and a lot more ecologically friendly.

ResearchBuzz quotes this from their about page: “Small companies – particularly those in developing countries don’t find it easy to set up their own web pages and get them ranked by Google and the other search engines. We hope that a simple entry in Yellowikis will help level the playing field.”

I think it is a wonderful idea… This is a boon for small businesses – a way to get noticed and connected at two levels – globally (for those ambitious service providers) and at a very micro level, within your city or local area – and for free… Check it out…


  1. I love Wikis and all forms of internet collaboration. Very empowering. Its looks like a great idea. i’m checking this one out now.
    I remember seing the chinese industry portal may be india could counter is with a similar website only this time it could may as well be a wiki.

  2. hi charu..
    gone through the link..’s great idea’s a boon for small companies,as you said..

  3. Akshay, gangadhar – yeah it does look like a great idea – although like researchbuzz says, the scope of this is mind blowing – hope they manage that well and it takes off… but if a general wiki can work (given the amount of knowledge that can be created and managed), why not this?

    they also have country focus – this month it is Mozambique, this should be good… easier for the user and the creator…

    Prateek, always nice to see new people around the blog – welcome 🙂

  4. An attempt was made by the Los Angeles Times which was dubbed “Wikitorial” after the popular Wikipedia collaborative encyclopedia project that allowed readers to rewrite editorials. It turned to be a short-lived mass media experiment was closed after a mere three days after the site was flooded with obscene messages and photos.

    Unless such ambitious Wiki projects have an air-tight mechanism to stall vandalism, they may prove to be a love’s labour lost!

  5. SK, you ae right, that is so possible – especially in cyberspace where regulation of any sort is tough and you can only expect people to act with some maturity and self control – but it would be a pity if such a venture goes kaput because of some cranks…
    Thnnavan, I saw on your blog – thanks 🙂

  6. lars, thanks. hadn’t seen it earlier. but this seems like a palce for larger and more formal companies. whereas yellow wikis seems ideal for small companues even individuals working on a freelance / consultant basis…. what do you think?

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