My article in Nirantar

My article on the dreams sold by the fairness creams companies is out at the Hindi blogzine Nirantar…

Read the Hindi version here – Mohe gora rang dei de (translated by Debashish Chakrabarty for Nirantar)

I am posting the original English version here soon.. Watch this space…


  1. I could not agree with you more. I remember I was once offered in market such a product to become gori! When I told the saleslady, I am fine he way I am, she modified her theme and said it would improve my skin tone or something. I thanked her and moved on.

  2. oh, and fair and lovely is now being marketed as a vitamin cream, and a ‘beauty parlour at home’ treatment… UGH.

  3. May be I shall try to make a Thamizh version and post it in my blog. But where can I get the original?

  4. Thanks Gangadhar, please read the English version here…

    Mridula, because “fairnes” is becoming politically incorrect, marketers now try passing these off as skin care products.. terrible idea though!

    Uma 🙂 beauty parlour at home!

    SK, great idea – you can use this one that I have posted…

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