Aliens have taken over my blog


My blog now holds in “moderation queue” nice comments from normal people (who are regular visitors to my blog). And passes weird comments from anonymous casinos and poker clubs.

And this despite an wp upgrade and strict spam measures.

I just noticed a huge bunch of comments waiting for my “approval” – and to think I have been eagerly opening my blog all morning and closing it with a puzzled people do not like me any more? expression (rather felt like those days when I used to stand at the gate waiting for the postman, who used to cheerfully wave at me each day and say, letters illa maddam)

Once again, HELP!


  1. hi charu

    by god ki kasam, i thought u didn’t like my post and threw it into the trash bin. nice to know i’m welcome. i’ll be hanging in here for a while.


  2. Michael, dont take this personally. my blog is just acting a little drunk 🙂

    Cram, this is doing no good for my PR – welcome 🙂

  3. I believe that the BLOGS are a way for the “matrix” to enter our mind and control our world. Oh Morpheus you were right… I take the blue pill

  4. @mit, my blog does not like you. don’t know why. swear I have no hand in it. just dug in and found out many comments from you and have rescued them from a terrible fate (i.e. of not appearing here!)

  5. Hi! I just discovered your blog. I use WordPress, as you do and have had to tweak and re-tweak those settings to keep the spammers out and let the good folks in. Have you tried Spam Karma, a WP plugin? I have found it helps.

  6. VerbalC, thanks for dropping in! I have spam karma now – although that too does the dirty on me sometimes – keeps away the good guys and lets in the not-so good ones 🙂

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