Globalwalk for Breast Cancer

Patricia of Chaotic Gestalt points out to this site Globalwalk for Breast Cancer.

globalwalk for cancer

On August 1, 1999, Polly Letofsky left her home in Vail and headed west. She traveled across 4 continents, 22 countries and over 14,000 miles. By foot.

As an awareness campaign for breast cancer, survivors around the world came out to walk with her. Every day strangers welcomed her into their homes where they would chat over home-cooked meals about their lives on the rhubarb farm or their hobby collecting antique toasters.

The site lists some statistics, including

14124 Total miles walked from Vail, CO to Vail, CO–via India

22 Number of countries Polly has walked through

1900 Breast cancer survivors that have walked with Polly

1600 Number of those women who were diagnosed under the age of 40

13 Number of breast cancer organizations around the world that have benefited from GlobalWalk

I was quite taken with the jolly feel of the site – bright yellow colours – cheerful and hopeful, not depressing. Check it out – I have the last hour going through her journal and surviror stories…

Patricia also links frequently to relayblogger , a site managed by Chris Dover from the American Cancer Society. Chris Dover from the American Cancer Society is tasked with creating a web strategy for Relay for Life. He is specifically looking at blogs and how blogs can help create community

Yet another heart warming site I came across today is shareyourstory (Link via community mobilization). Mothers of premature babies come here to share their stories, and provide hope to other mothers. And in the process, try ease the pain that they themselves must have gone through. We share with each other such a wonderful gift, that we feel each other’s pain and suffering. And because of that, we are never alone in our painful moments.

As Randal at Community Mobilization says, such sites along with the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Survivors Network, are the most noble and effective uses of technology to life and support the human spirit