Bachelor of what degree?

Found this piece that Uma has linked to – Andre Beteille in the Telegraph about Intellectual Capital in India that needs to be rebuilt from a different perspective – and quickly – through good quality undergraduate education…

Brought back many memories of my own undergraduate days. The time when I managed to disgrace my family so thoroughly and it seemed then, permanently – by enrolling for a BA in Economics. I still remember the look of utter incredulity on my father’s face when he first heard that – BA? You are going to do a BA? Of course, his spirits soared marginaly when he heard that the BA was in Economics and not shudder, English Literature or shudder shudder, History.

But the question was repeated – with much the same look on his face – over the next few days. BA? And then the look turned to one of weary resignation, bordering on despair. God, I just hope no one asks me about my daughter for the next few years. BA? And he went about mumbling shamefacedly to people who asked about me… And I suppose the sympathetic looks on their faces when they heard the BA story only made it worse for him – this should not have happened to a good man like you. Paavam, his daughter is such a dunce – and he had such hopes for her. BA. Not even BSc. Just imagine that.

(Of course today my father only mentions to everyone that I got a University Rank, and forgets to mention the B word. And also pretends that I had LSE in mind all along when I chose my undergraduate course :))

And coming back to the Intellectual Capital bit, I found myself thinking that in India, as of today, there is no single undergraduate degree that is considered good enough or just enough – to get on with life and make a good living. Not even the coveted engineering or medical degrees. Given that state, of what relevance undergraduate arts and science degrees?

I leave you to mull over that with this nugget from my favorite cartoonist Glasbergen…


Update : I find that both Sunil and Anand have thought-provoking posts today on education and pedagogy. Some more things to mull over…


  1. The only difference in today’s scenario is that BA B.Com and B Sc students are able to get reasonably well paying BPO jobs. this was not the case in the 90’s.

    If u talk of undergrad course…dunno whether CA course will fall under this (it is not offered by any university and technically it is not a degree). hv been reading quite a few reports that there is acute shortage of qualified accountants in the country.

    Engineering is becoming “yet another degree”.

  2. Kaps – I think the CA Degree is considered PG in most cases though technically you may be right as it does not require a GRad course as it’s pre requisite. (at least in the old rules)

    As for the “relevance” of graduation it is ironic that in India you are not “educated” unless you are a graduate, but if you are a graduate you are “nothing more”..where is your “specialization” you will be asked….

    So “graduation” is like an entry pass to a theme park — you cannot get in unless you have it but once you are in you require something more to take the ride

  3. This most reminds me of my own current situation. A situation where I’m caught beteween my decsision to quit the much revered “engineering” as to speak and switch to looked down apon

  4. This post reminds me of my own current situation. A situation where I’m caught between my decision to quit the much revered “engineering” degree and switch to a “looked down upon” B.A.
    I don’t want to be seen complaining but it is hard not to believe that my decision is going to have bad repressions of my biodata and may even hamper admission to a PG course of my choice not mention the year I’ve lost.
    It all unwittingly boils down to all this hoopla over nothing.

  5. Very perceptive, Charu. Yes do recall the craze for BSc among parents. Has the scene changed much today? Perhaps a little. The Presidency College in Calcutta says that they are not getting enough students to fill their science quota…makes me wonder! However, whatever be my educational qualification, am sure glad to be BA (bachelor adult)much to the consternation of my parents:P

  6. Nice post Charu. Very funny cartoon. 4 doesn’t appear in the answer at all! Not just that old questions require new answers, new answers should have nothing to do with the old answers, eh?!

  7. Kaps, undergrad engineering – and even medicine – is just not enough now. BPOs are fine but for how long – as a long-term career choice, it stinks.

    @mit, I would consider CA a postgrad course too – don’t they insist on a basic degree?
    ironic, you can do nothing with an undergrad degree but nothing without it either!

    Akshay, you must be going thru a tough time with the choices you have made. all I can say is right now it matters but in the long run, it will not. stick to what you feel is good for you.

    Aparna, science degrees are still ok, but arts. it cant get any lower in the education ladder!

    Uma, Anand, I love Glasbergen. And Anand yes I did not notice there is no 4 anywhere in that long answer 🙂
    right, let the new answers be fully new 🙂

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