Babies for sale online

The BBC reports that advertisements for babies have been appearing on the Chinese counterpart of eBay, Eachnet.

China’s strict “one child” birth control policy, coupled with the traditional bias for male children, has led to widespread reports of child abductions, and several people have been sentenced to death for their part in smuggling rings. .

Not suprisingly, boys were advertised for 28,000 yuan ($3,450) while girls were offered for 13,000 yuan ($1,603).

The seller advertises under the user name “Chuangxinzhe Yongyuan” or “innovator forever”. What can I say?


  1. Authorities seem to be promising sentences in jail or death to Mr Innovator. With all the advances in information these days, such crimes are being brought to light by journalists. Government bodies must capitalise on the strength of this power of information. And most crimes deserve just one treatment – criminals must be quarantined for life. They should just be cut off from the rest of the world, for the rest of their life – no human interactions, what so ever.

    That would, on the other side, lead to a construction boom (that of cells for quarantine) and would add further benefits to the economy 🙂 apart from cleaning up of the society.

  2. yes, I read too that a couple of such “innovators” have been jailed – but about the quarantine, it will possibly lead to coruption in that business too. of building cells for the criminals and the process itself!

  3. Wow.. prices of human beings have shot up…
    In middle ages, you got 16 slaves for one horse…towards 17th century it had become 6 slaves for one horse…and now kids are fetching so much..
    Sort of a bull run 🙂

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