A rupee a day

But what I do? What can an individul do?

Anuradha at Project Why believes that not only do individuals matter but even single rupee contributions to a cause do.

Which is why this plea for a rupee day donors.

If you have not heard of Project Why, please read about it here and here. Pwhy is about a remarkable lady Anuradha Bakshi and her commitment to making a difference to the lives of hundreds of underpriveleged children .

First check out this pledge at pledgebank.

We keep talking about the power of the blogosphere and the differene we can make. Will the blogosphere please respond to this call for help?

This is how can help :

Please start with making your one rupee a day (or more definitely) contributions towards the cause.
Please spread the word around.
Please leave your ideas and suggestions on what else Anu can do in this effort. And how bloggers can help. Ammani had run this short story competition to raise funds for the effort. Any more ideas?

And if you are wondering why one rupee, here goes


  1. hello,

    I was thrilled to see that this post made the Blog Mela hosted by Amit Varma. the more publicity the better…I had the idea that we could do something similar to Blog Quake Day, where Friends of Why and other interested parties with blogs could have one day to post about Project Why. This could also be linked to 55 Friday, the short story day. Effectively a combination of Blog Quake Day and the Short Story Competetition run by ammani. If we could build up momentum, perhaps a 55 Friday linked to donations (even a mere $5 per story) could be held every quarter. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts 🙂 please feel free to email..

  2. it is heartwarming to read all the above posts
    i have been trying to make this one rupee dream happen for the past one year and my experince is that it is doable if the momentum is set..
    i tried setting one of my own and the past few months saw we write innumerable mails and becaome a blogger with 100 blogs to my redut.. but alone i can just reach that far.. now if people come forward we can do it..
    so let us do it, for it we do it for the 500 kids we have now, we can one dat reach so many more
    come to think of it it is just a matter of one rupee a day!

  3. Dharmesh, thanks for the link. it looks like a good project. am lgoing to the site for adetailed look now.

    Upulie, Anou, a few other big blogs have linked to this post – let’s see if anything comes out. we could try some fund raising thru blogs too…

  4. A rupee a day is such a simple and effective concept. Just look at the money many of us spend on mobile phone bills every month. I had read about projectwhy for the first time in Outlook magazine. Reading about it again has been very motivating, I would describe such projects as a form of drip irrigation. They make many children grow by harnessing the power of single rupee, which is just like a drop.

  5. charukeshi,

    looks promising…India Uncut has now linked twice to this post, now with a unique post.

    Anou, perhaps we could just alter the Project Why flower banner so it drapes diagonally across the top of a page (like the Make Poverty History ones)?

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