Post updates

‘A time to reflect’ feels neglected. I have been busy elsewhere.

Read my piece on indibloggies The Great Indian blog bhelpuri (continued here). In this post, I have argued that for a blog to stand out amidst the clutter, it is essential to focus on content. In other words, be a specialist blog. And this is what I am attempting with my other blog(s).

On media musings is Disbelief and defensiveness : the SBI story.

And Mindspace continues to be regularly updated too. Latest post there – ease of googling.

So far so good.


  1. oh great !

    That post about niche/specialist blogs made me sigh in relief. Often I’ve been tempted to move to the ‘blog about everything’ umbrella…but have resisted the temptation…

    Best of luck trying to manage 3 blogs…”A time to reflect” is listed as Charu in my reader however !


  2. hey! i was away a while, so now im slowly catching up… youve been super busy eh? 🙂
    read the piece on specialist blogs. hmm. tis very strange. ive hunted high and low for a seriously feminist/political blog but not found a single one run by an indian! if anything, weve a huge field by way of gender, community, health issues and so on. by and large, its only stuff like advertising and journalism thats looked at.
    i wonder what makes us so timid and restrict ourselves only to the most non-controversial or mundane daily subjects. could this be the result of an education sytem (or even the general mindset for that matter) which instills unquestioning, uncritical acceptance? our resignation that things will always be a certain way?

  3. gautam, now why did you ever have that temptation?! it really pays to be a specialist blog 🙂
    and you run three blogs too, don’t you. but thannks for the wishes, I need all the luck I can to manage full time work and multi blogging

    m. yes, I know you have been away. keep reading on your blog 🙂
    has feminism ever been a discussed topic in India? except for a few staunch feminist writers, I have not even read much feminist literature (I cannot think of any contemporary writer actually).
    on the other hand there are enough blogs writing about the status of women and gender issues – although in milder tones than “feminist writing” – there is so much militantism associated with the term, isn’t there?!

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