Kids, crayons and Kala Ghoda

Some images from the Kala Ghoda festival…

A hundred kids + two bright red tents + many boxes of waterpaints and crayons. Akanksha volunteers. A camera. A set of anxious and guiltily relieved parents. Two hours of rollicking fun.

Theme for the day: dream city…

Venue : the big red tent…

The children’s section is entirely being managed by Akanksha this year; the older Akanksha kids teaching and working with the other kids who come everyday to Kala Ghoda… In turn, the kids at the workshops having a blast, creative juices and water paints flowing freely and mingling with the red carpet inside the tents..



Outside the big red tents…


From the first day’s workshop where the kids were asked to dream about themselves, their lives and future. This is Akanksha’s fifteenth year and their theme for the year is dream


Here is a kid whom I met on both days; the first evening she stood by the stage all through the dance performance of Nritarutya and the next day, found a red chair for herself right in the front and settled down comfortably to watch the show, keeping time on the red ball in her hand and smiling happily throughout.

The little admirer

Cross-posted on the Kala Ghoda Gazette in a slightly different version here and here. Check out more pictures and impressions from the Kala Ghoda festival there. I have also covered a couple of contemporary dance performances that were part of the weekend menu…


  1. Rana and Mumbai girl, thanks! it was great fun watching the kids… and hey, do check out the kala ghoda blog…

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