The consumer strikes back?

Adverblog writes about this initiative in Berlin and Seoul where guerrilla “soldiers” have been tagging outdoor ads with personal evaluations delivering messages such as “this ad makes me sick”, “I like this ad”, “I find this campaign boring” etc…
. The idea, ostensibly, is to raise the level of consumer awareness about the quality of outdoor advertising in a city

So these little stickies go on those big bad hoardings across the city. And as adverblog says, tagging moves to the real world. Interesting… but where is this leading? Who is behind this, I wonder? And what impact will this have on advertisers anyway…? If negative feedback can kill an ad, most advertising we see on air and in print today would not have survivied the rigorous rounds of consumer research prior to launch! As one commentor has said there, “Most clients will just be deliriously happy and say “There’s no such thing as bad publicity – at least they think and talk about us!”


And what’s stopping competing agencies and marketing companies to get themselves a huge bunch of these stickies and get their own people to “tag” ads the way they want, depending on whether it is their own or a bitter rival’s! Or maybe someone should start doing just that – the consumer gets to have some fun atleast that way…

Which recent ads would you say “suck”?