On and of the road

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

—Walt Whitman – Song of the Open Road

The open road

Sometimes… the road takes you far far away, sets you free, lets you explore, allows you to discover… youself.


They let you get away. From the smoke and the dust. From the noise. From the heaviness in your heart.

My flickr icon - the road ahead...

Sometimes, they take you home… after a long tiring day. When you just want to not think about the hard journey but the warmth that lies at the end of it.

Sometimes you walk with a spring in your step, head looking up, mind looking ahead. Or with your head bent. Counting the concrete squares on the pavement. Noticing the way the water creeps into the tiniest cracks on the side. And try to forget.

Often, you stand in front of two. Or more. And wonder which way lies happiness. Fulfilment. Which way is just the right one? And even long after you have chosen, you never know…

Country roads, take me home...

They tease and tantalise… and constantly surprise… what is in store at the turn?

Song of the open road
The sun high above your head. The wind on your cheeks, sometimes the raindrops on your hands… You walk, drive, smell the flowers and the fumes and find your destination in the company of a friend.

And then sometimes, you walk alone…

Umbrella man

Is it any wonder then that I love being on the road?


  1. This post was a welcome, serendipitous pause to a moody, slow, mopey day – in spite of the glorious blue skies we have had this weekend in Southern California. I’ve enjoyed your posts, photos and musings, where I admit I was initially deeply interested primarily in your (professional) work commentary. I like the contemplation that your photos and words reflect and encourage; and feel much better because of it. How timely. Thank you, and keep at it. I’ll be looking forward to more! -w

  2. Lotus, thank you… yes, the road can insipre lots πŸ™‚

    Rashmi, Shreya, thank you!

    Patrix, thanks! in India, I almost always see blnd “burnt out” skies – never or rarely the deep blues and thick clouds… a pity…

    Wendee, thanks for dropping by… really appreciate the warm words πŸ™‚

    Emma, long time! thank you…

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