Orissa notes

It was raining when I left Kolkata in the morning – the short flight to Bhubaneshwar was through dangerously turbulent skies. By the time we landed in Bhubaneshwar, the rain had cleared and the su was peeping out nervously. As I walked to the arrival area from the aircraft, I decided that I liked the city. Any city whose airport has rows of bright cheerful marigold flowers near the runway is bound to appeal to me. And closer to the arrival gate, a large Konarky wheel looking neglected but appealing all the same. Konark plans as of now on hold thanks to the rain that started then and has not stopped yet.

The local Oriya girl who does work for us off and on told me proudly about her new government job. Her dream come true. School teacher in a village in rural Orissa. Class I to VII. Over four hundred students. And four teachers. Two helpers who generally take care of the kids who do not have a teacher around, look after the midday meal, clean the premises and so on. She went on to add, the school does not have the money to pay the teachers, the government does not pay them – so a couple of days in a month, the food meant for the midday meal is sold and the money is given to these women. I must have looked startled for she refused to tell me more. Rural education…

I also met another girl Banoshri here – she was translating some things for me from Oriya – Banoshri is just appearing for her XII std exams this March. she wants to become an air-hostess after this. As she told me this, she looked down on her smal figure and told me – I know I am short and dark – I dont know if I will get to be an air-hostess. Anyway I am trying. She has been religiously applying various miracle fairness creams for the last few months, ever since her dream took shape. Here is hoping her dream takes wings too…

The hotel I went to this afternoon to meet my local contacts has several interesting notices – there is a ‘behavior for the perfect hotel guest’ guide pasted somewhere near the lobby (and I am told, in guest rooms too) containing a list of stern warnings – first of them being – please do not practice any unfair practices that are forbidden in the eyes of the law and god in side the premise. That of course rules out anything slightly fun under the sun, making the “premise” a highly aseptic if boring place.

And the hotel I am staying at also has this arresting line on the home page of their website – …makes it an ideal place for all who carve for peace, privacy and poise.

With that I am off to do my bit for world peace and poise by carving the night away.. and hoping the rain stops soon.