kerala kountdown

I am going to be away in Kerala, seeking a cure for my back trouble of seven years. Over the next four weeks, I am expecting an ayurvedic miracle, well, certainly relief, if only in slight measure. Tomorrow morning, aryavaidyasala ho!

So wish me luck. Keep emailing. Wave a cheery hi if you see me online.

I am taking my laptop with me. and lots of movie cds and music. I will try to connect to the net whenever I can manage. And of course, I am taking my camera. And did I mention the books? I want to get away from it all, you see.

I will try to blog when I can. I owe this trip – and a lot of my current optimism – to blogging anyway (hugs, Reshma, Radhika – I never got around to it)


  1. books, laptop okay, but i don’t know if you’ll be able to get out and shoot pictures rightaway…you’ll know what i mean when your treatment starts. speaking of the laptop…it might be useful if you got a reliance connection for the internet. i used one myself and also got some of my office work done from there, even though i was almost sitting on the balcony to get a good signal.

    so all the best charu! i am *positive* ayurvedic medicines will help, just don’t let go of your optimism, and give it (the medicines) some time to sink in as well.

  2. All the best charu ! Take it easy and chill out, dont do too much… back is the priority!

    Meeting you and vams at mumbai airport was a big bonus of my india trip .. thanks for making my day : )

  3. hey all, thanks! am resting as much as I can – which is very very tough for me – sitting as little as possible in front of the computer – and anyway the treatment demands rest, so I am bowing to public demand…

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