Life and a career

This is not a good way to begin a Monday morning – What’s the connection between abortion and careers? But it appeared on the blogs feed, shared by Gautam Ghosh and I read it. It takes a *lot* of courage to bare one’s soul the way Penelope Trunk has done here (knowing the kind of nasty comments – attacks – it would attract).

Do read it… The most important bit from it:

I got two abortions to preserve my career. To keep my options open. To keep my aspirations within reach. I bought into the idea that kids undermine your ability to build an amazing career. And here I am, with the amazing career.

But also, here I am with two kids. So I know a bit about having kids and a career.

Her point, in this case, really being – is there really a perfect time to be a parent? a mother?

It doesn’t matter whether you have kids now or later, because they will always make your career more difficult. There is no time in your life when you are so stable in your work that kids won’t create an earthquake underneath that confidence.