The dying art of commenting

In Problogger, this fantastic line from I Came, I Saw, I Commented: Was It Worth It?

From Jane Austen: ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a blogger in possession of a good domain must be in want of some worthwhile comments’.

A great post that asks, and answers the question – Is it worthwhile to leave comments on other blogs?

With RSS feeds taking over our reading habits, hopping over to a website or blog to leave a comment feels like so much effort. And really, is it worth it, just to say, ‘great post’ or some such thing? But I do miss the joys of conversational blogging, despite the perils of inviting nasty anonymice and off-topic comments. Sometimes, I wonder if anybody reads my blog at all.

Don’t worry about me, I am just getting old and broody. Go back to your google reader.


  1. i read your blog — and comment on it sometimes. 🙂

    but u are write – i have stopped being lazy and have begun going back to blogs to comment on them. between FB, twitter and google reader – conversations on blogs are dwindling 🙂

  2. I enjoyed the article also. It really made me think about all the blogs I read and do not comment on. I have not gotten into RSS yet, so am behind the times. I think it is easier just to sit back and read. When our onine time is limited, it is a challenge to write a blog and also read and comment. There’s got to be a happy medium. Do you blog for fame or self satisfaction? Hard call.

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