It happens only in India

You are still reading this blog? Really? And have you also been reading other things I have been writing on the www? Go check them out now on my website (I can never get used to how grand that sounds!).

Here on WSJ – Dimsum in India, This is not that
and On the new newsy First Post – Degrees of separation (writing about relationships and all now, how mature is that), The many bhoots of Bollywood and An ode to the falafel.

So, with all this, and with writing regularly on my travel blog I have not had the energy to blog here. Once in a while, I come across such news on the internet (this is where the ‘this happens only in India bit’ comes in, in case you have been wondering about the title) – Indian brides told to reduce mobile phone use. I mark it for future blogging use – and promptly forget all about it.

And just in two hours this morning, while researching for something else on the internet, I came across two such articles that prompted this post now – Soap operas prompt India divorce and Indian village bans unmarried women from using mobiles (old news both, yes – but just as startling when you read it today, you will agree). So what next?