The Race

Received this on email today. This presentation has a lot of cool clip-art pics and colours…. I wish I could reproduce them here but here is the content anyway…. Read on…..

One upon a time there was a French rowing team.
France and Japan agreed to an annual rowing race. Each team containing eight men.
Both teams worked really hard to get into the best shape. The day the race started, both teams were in similar condition.
The Japanese won by one mile….

The mood in the French team was close to freeze point. The team decided to win the race the next year. So they established a team of analysts to observe the situation and recommend an appropriate solution.

After detailed analysis the team found out that Japanese had 7 rowers and only one captain.
Of course, the French team had seven captains but only one rower…..

Facing such a critical scenario, the management showed unexpected wisdom; they hired a consulting company to restructure the French team….

After several months the consultants came up with the conclusion that there were too many captains and too few rowers in the French team. A solution was proposed based on this analysis: the structure of the French team had to be changed!

As of today there will be only 4 captains in the team led by 2 managers, one top-manager and one rower, they said. Besides that, they made a suggestion to improve the rower’s working environment and to give him higher competencies….

The next year, the Japanese won by two miles…..

The French team immediately displaced the rower from the team based on his unsatisfactory performance.

But the bonus was paid to the management for the strong motivation the team showed during the preparation phase.

The consulting company prepared a new analysis, which showed that the strategy was good, the motivation was ok but the used tool had to be improved.

Currently, the French team is designing a new boat.

A friend working in one of India’s largest software companies sent me this….. Any takes on that?!! And she is probably reading this too….