Whose decision?

Remember this old story about the ant and the elephant? The ant hitched a ride on the elephant’s back across the jungle, and just after they crossed a rickety bridge, the bridge collapsed completely. To which the ant said, wow! I never knew I had so much strength… I made the bridge collapse…

Point? The thought that our self-proclaimed moral leaders like Uma Bharati and Sushma Swaraj will now take credit for Sonia Gandhi’s decision…. Sure, the thought of a tonsured Ms. Swaraj must have been enough to give anybody nightmares, Ms. Gandhi included….

Political drama? I wonder, would the congress have stood any chance at all in these elections without a consensus leader at the helm (the issue being one more of consensus among paty members and allies then one of ability or leadership qualities). Especially after the near white-wash in the December 2003 elections.

Sonia Gandhi has indeed played her cards carefully, much to her credit, taking in pressures from her own party and all the muck hurled at her by the NDA. Not once reacting or retaliating in the same vein… And has announced her decision, not a moment too soon…. What does the BJP have left to say now?

My fear now…. Remember what my favourite Congress candidate said about the BJP’s agenda…. Now that the BJP has fallen flat on its face with the Sonia Janmabhoomi issue, will Ram Janmabhoomi now be revived with a vengeance….. After all, they have promised to play the role of constructive opposition….