A policeman’s duty?

I was at a traffic round-about last evening when I witnessed a minor accident. Nothing disastrous but an elderly person fell from the motorcycle he was riding. As a few passers-by (including me) went to his assistance, I noticed a traffic policeman standing a few feet away, watching. By which time traffic was also beginning to pile up behind this scene. Not one to keep my mouth shut in the best of time, I marched up to him and said, why don’t you help… do something? To which he said, is that my job? Go away (emma, adaan en velaiya? Summa pomma – for the benefit of those who follow Tamil). I must add that there were two other policemen standing across the road, equally immersed in the scene.

Is that my job? Well, I certainly think so….. If not, then what is a policeman’s job? Ours not to help or protect…. Then, ours only to…. what? Now I have no idea if all policemen are like this (and I am certainly not saying so) but seeing his attitude and tone yesterday, I begin to understand why people consider going to the police a greater nuisance (even threat / danger) then bearing with their lot…..