Copycat hangings

Can media sources please please start acting in a slightly responsible manner and stop ‘live, never-before-never-again footage, from the scene of action’ telecasts

I realise that in this age of 24 hour news-channels (too many channels, too less news), ‘exclusives’ rule. Be there first – or be TRPless. But this is too high a price for society to pay….
(If I can rant – and of course I can – this is my blog, remember? Dhananjoy was a child-murderer, then what are these newschannels? Shouldn’t they be held responsible for the deaths of these children?)

Do we really need to see footage of murderers hanging? Or people dying in any other way – war, bomb blasts, shoot-outs whatever…. Live coverage of people dying – is as ironical as it can get. Not to mention exploitative.

In any case, I think the news business in the West has gone far beyond redemption. Naked news-casters!

Why should India go the same way? And all for TRPs, which in any case are the sole prerogative of the saas-soaps….