India Inc. a reality?

This RIL-owned petrol pump has been around for more than seven months, but the Reliance sign still takes the Indian driver by surprise. It certainly took me by surprise, a Reliance petrol pump on the Chennai – Bangalore highway.

Telecom, energy, finance, poly-products, petrochem – is there any key / infrastructure indistry Reliance is not into, and in a big way?

And Anil Ambani is now a member of the Rajya Sabha. Power cliques are scary – and the present A bloc (Anil Ambani, Amitabh Bacchan, Amar Singh) is as influential as it can get.

Will circa 2008 see India being run by a corporate Government?

What do you feel about businessmen and industrialists entering politics? Will they bring in their professionalism and leadership abilities into our political system and make a difference? or will this be just another business for them? Does that mean a rein on corruption (they already have the money, remember?). An influential voice that is sure to be heard? Or, just a huge step in the power game?

Anil Ambani’s new website (plastered with mug-shots of a beaming ‘oh, I am human too, and call me Anil, folks, Ambani) invites you to share your ideas and voice your opinions…. er, on what? Never mind, it is the thought that counts…

Humour me, people, and please leave your comments here on what difference a person like Anil Ambani can make in Indian politics. And the kind of issues that he could / should espouse. Issues that are important to his favourite group of people – the youth – who are tomorrow’s leaders (not to mention voters)