Moving On


It’s time for all the gyanis to come to the aid of the needy….

Want to part ways from blogger. Somewhere out there in all that space is some little corner that could belong to me soon 🙂 Except I have no idea where to begin (actually, I know where to begin. it’s after that I get stuck and drop the idea – several times a day).

I suspect my blogging friends are now ready to run away when they see me on IM. I have been bugging the life out of many of them the last few days. (Thanks Chandru, Ashwini, Harini and grrr, Sameer, Debu). So thought a collective plea for help would be easier (on me and you – imagine what it must be like getting pinged by me each time you are on IM – and get asked a stupid question).

Please leave your suggestions here. In simple idiot-proof English.
Don’t make me say duh? at every line please. It hurts self image irrepairably.

So, all you good Samaritans out there, let the ideas flow fast and furious!

CORRECTION : Thanks Sameer, you are the best too!!