When will this madness end?

Russia – yet another hostage crisis gone terribly wrong…. And most heart-wrenching was this story – when a mother was made to choose between her two children….

Anybody who has read or seen Sophie’s Choice will know what I mean….

From a review of the movie – In the film’s third flashback, Sophie tells Stingo about her “choice.” When she arrived at Auschwitz — on a “beautiful spring night” — she was ordered to select one of her children, who would then be sent to the ovens; the other would be spared. This sequence is especially heartbreaking, as the screaming little girl is carried away to die.

My heart goes out to these mothers… Having to live with the trauma and the guilt for the rest of their lives…

1 comment

  1. what makes a mother select one over the otehr? Is the decision sometimes simpler when they belong to 2 genders?
    Would the decision have been harder if both children were boys?
    who knows?

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